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MILC Covid-19 free committmentFor prospect boarders: -We will ask you to fill forms about your recent travel history and current health condition. -You are required to give consent to us that you will follow our policies to help keep everyone free of covid-19 in our building. -You will be taking temperautre checks daily and asked to report your unwellness if there is any. -You are subject to our quarantine procedures if you are identified as a potential Covid-19 carrier. For Staff: -All staff are suggest that clinical level masks (n95) be wore all time in the building. -Santinizing your hand in and out of the building and before and after you go to toilet and have food handling. -try to self-distance from people out of 1.5 meters. -frequently santinize high traffic public area and kitchen facilities. -report your health situation if you feel unwell. For visitors -if you have returned from overseas in the last 14 days or have been in contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days,or alreay have a symptoms of a respiratory illness, you are not allowed to visit us. -no more than 2 visiters can be accepted for one boarder at a time. -visiting must be booked and approved by the management team after collecting all relevant health information of the visitors. -We strongly suggest that visitors use other forms of communication such as telephone, online meeting arranged by us.
MILC's Covid-19 measurementCovid-19 has become a pandemic worldwide, although Australia is still in its early stage confiming 4017 cases with 17 deaths, we take it seriously as data shown in China that Covid-19 will spread ultra fast amount people within close contact. MILC aims to provide a safe and virus free environment. Therefore we carry on a hygenic routine in our building according to the guidelines by DHS. We suggest that everyone in the building should: -cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue -put used tissues straight into the bin -wash your hands often with soap and water, including before and after eating and after going to the toilet -use alcohol-based hand sanitisers -avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Our MILC managerment team will also: -clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces such as benchtops, desks and chairs etc. -clean and disinfect frequently used objects such as books,cookeries, culteries etc. -increase the amount of fresh air available by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning. We also strongly suggest that everyone must also stay 1.5 metres away from other people whenever possible. This is called social distancing. You must self-isolate if you are feeling unwell or have identified symptom of fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortage of breath, or have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, or have recently returned from overseas.
MILC Covid-19 emergency isolation planIf boarders or staff are found suspected Covid-19 carrier or have potential symptoms. We will mandatorily put him/her in isolation in a dedicated seperate ensuite room for at least 14 days. During the 14 days of isolation you must: -stay at your room and don’t go out of your rooms unless permited. -Meals will be delivered to your door. -Gabbage will be collected daily by our staff. -You are not allowed to see visitors. When in isolation, monitor yourself for symptoms including fever, cough or shortness of breath. Other early symptoms include chills, body aches, sore throat, runny nose and muscle pain. You will be assisted to telephone the health clinic or hospital and tell them your travel history or that you may have been in contact with a potential case of coronavirus. You must remain isolated either until public health authorities inform you it is safe for you to return to your usual activities. Being in isolation can be stressful and boring. We will also assist you in -Keep in touch with your family members and friends via telephone, email or social media. -Learn about coronavirus -Reassure young children using age-appropriate language. -Where possible, keep up normal daily routines, such as eating and exercise and study online. -Do things that help you relax and use isolation as an opportunity to do activities you don’t usually have time for.
Latest Government Guidelines on Covid-19 updated on 30 MarAustralian Federal Government keeps updating their guidelines according to the live situation on Covid-19 in Australia. Lastest adivse can be found on: More updates about covid -19 can be found on:
Updated Government Restrictions for Covid-19 (20 March)From 9pm AEDT 20 March 2020, only Australian citizens, residents and immediate family members can travel to Australia. From 11.59pm AEDT 28 March 2020, all travellers arriving in Australia will be required to undertake a mandatory 14-day quarantine at designated facilities (for example, a hotel), in their port of arrival. This includes students, children and staff who may be returning from overseas excursions or other travel. Any person who is self-isolating must not visit a school, TAFE or training provider, or early childhood service to pick up children or for any other reason.
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